Measure your email metrics vs fresh stats

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📏Measure your email metrics vs fresh stats

Humpday has arrived and I’ve put myself back together from a rough start to the week. You can too. Just keep reading and find out.

Today’s Feature Story kicks us off with updated email marketing stats via Forbes you can use to compare and level up your campaigns. After you digest that Big Gulp of data, have some of our…

  • Knowledge Base  

  • Self Help (unpleasant stuff)

  • Facts & Stats  (Paypal still a monster)

  • Get Hacking (less is less)

Let’s look at highlights of the 2024 email stats.

Open Rates (I know, I know)

Open rates are still all over the place with Apple’s privacy stuff (MPP). Clicks are better signals. Actual sales, even better. 

Still, you need some idea of what other brands are seeing with open rates.

Forbes reports the average open rate is now 36.5%.

That differs between different types of organizations. See top five below.

  1. 45.5 % open rates for faith-based organizations 

  2. 44.8% for childcare services

  3. 42.7% for family/social services (government, adoption, pet care, elderly care, etc.)

  4. 42.3% for non-profit membership organizations

  5. 41.80% for non-profit services

Not a huge surprise. Those email messages could be critical. Folks don’t wanna miss a vet appointment for Cujo. People working in a non-profit obviously care, so they’ll open all those emails. And if a person needs help from a non-profit they won’t overlook those messages.

On to clicks.

2024 Email Click-though Rates Averaged 1.4%

The top five business types getting clicks go like this:

  1. Technology services 2.6% click-through rate

  2. Transportation services 2.60%

  3. Faith-based organizations 2.50%

  4. Family and social services 2.10%

  5. Non-profit membership organizations 1.90%

Notice the top two click-getters were not in the top five for open rates - not in the top ten as a matter a fact.

Now for the dreaded bounce.

2024 Bounce Rates 10.4%

It’s hard for me to fathom a double-digit percentage bounce rate!

But not every business has access to a legit email expert managing their list.

A sampling of the top ten bouncers:

  • Dining and food services 9% bounce rate

  • Home & Building Services 10.10% 

  • Repair and maintenance 4.9% (best percentage on list)

I’ll get to some more new stats to be aware of. First, a few somewhat useless stats often attached to myths in the email marketing world.

Email Marketing Stats That Don’t Matter?

“Email open rates are consistent throughout the week, with Saturday taking the top spot at 37.6%.”

Trying to time your emails to match findings like the “what day to send” is as useless as chasing the wind. Timing only works well when you can trigger your campaigns at the exact moment your individual subscribers are active in their inbox (like our sponsor Inbox Mailers does for users).

🙄“There are 361.6 billion emails sent worldwide every day.”

These gigantic numbers are in every article with email stats and don’t mean much. We get it. Emails are ubiquitous!

🧮“People are three times more likely to make purchases from email marketing than social media.”

While this stat could be true - or more than true. It’s hard to quantify since we don’t know how long the “customer journey” is for every purchase. If I see a social ad for a Fitbit Watch three times then buy one a year later at a retailer… well, that tracking didn’t tell the online seller anything. 

Time to wrap up with four more email marketing stats that do matter. 

Vital Email Marketing Stats

Email subject lines and opening sentences have to grab attention and hang on to it for dear life. Make your emails scannable too. See why below:

⏩61% of consumers spend just eight seconds looking at an email.

⏩15% of emails are looked at for less than 2 seconds.

Don’t freak out, though. You don’t have to reel shoppers in the first time they open one of your marketing emails. You do have to invest in more touchpoints. Follow-up emails are the key.

Proof’s in the pudding…

🛒Automated flows such as abandoned cart or post-purchase emails generate up to 30 times more revenue per recipient.

🛒The average abandoned cart email open rate is 50.5%, a 15% increase from average email marketing open rates.

Is setting up automations a pain in the… buttocks? Almost as bad as politicians.

But they’re worth their weight in gold once they’re set up — automations, not politicians.

See all the email statistics at Forbes, including this chart for email ROI for four market segments.

🐿️Ready to tap out on ineffective email sign-up forms?

Good! Throwing in the towel is the right move. Forms are played out and distracted people don’t bother signing up.

Try this instead. Propel your email list growth with a free demo of Smart Recognition to start collecting verified email addresses from your anonymous website visitors. Use these addresses to double your Network Audience size for PPC campaigns too!

*Need 15k in monthly US-based traffic. Presented by Smart Recognition.

The Knowledge Base


Use this brainy intel how you want. Three options include:

  1. Give your mind a break more often

  2. Think harder to beat the competition who can’t handle unpleasantries

  3. Simplify communications. They may be overly unpleasant and go unread

Facts & Stats


Top alternative payment method to credit/debit cards is Paypal which is 14x as popular as Apple Pay (Recurly report)

New Low…

Only 17% of consumers buy from the same retailer twice in one year on average (Media Post)

Gen Spend…

Shoppers aged 23 to 44 are focused on savings & avid coupon users. Boomers are more driven by convenience when choosing retail options (Email Insider)

Bonus: The most effective free trial length for converting users to paid subscribers is ___________ . Answer: Less than or equal to seven days.

Get Hacking

A specific strategy to implement today

88% of people check their email every day and 39% of people check three to five times daily (Forbes). 

Why not send five email campaigns a week versus just one campaign, then? You wouldn’t cover up your billboard ad four days a week would you? 

True, if no one is opening or clicking, you’ll hurt your deliverability. 

So, work on improving deliverability. Use engagement segmentation. Check your email list quality to get rid of inactive users. Add little infotainment bits like memes inside emails since they’re proven to increase clicks. 

Then, ramp up the number of campaigns you send.

Please forward Inbox Hacking to your marketing friends (or foes, we’ll take ‘em).

Shane McLendon, Copy Kingpin - Inbox Hacking