Inbox Hacking 3.20.2024

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☠️Gonna let AI steal your website traffic?

Welcome to Humpday, where momentum goes to die. Not this time… so shake off St. Patty’s 3-day hangover. Today’s feature story gives you 5 ways to fend off the bite-sized AI summaries that threaten your website traffic. Then check out…

  • The Knowledge Base (includes a headline warning)

  • Self Help (trees & peeps)

  • Facts & Stats (list toxicity, + security as a USP)

  • Get Hacking (smart AI use-case)

The Knowledge Base

💪Knowledge is power - so is hopeless CPR

Careful letting AI make your ad choices

6️⃣Wanna utilize gated content? (6 steps)

How to write (& use) memorable metaphors

🗞️99 problems with AI headlines - this is one

💸What drives 80% of email revenue? (80/20 rule)

📧Email marketing newbie? Terms & metrics to note

  • No more slide masters or template lock-in

  • Restyle your entire deck in just one click

  • Use a flexible template to work faster

  • Share online with publishing + analytics

  • Measure engagement with built-in analytics


Mediocre marketing

The average email delivery rate is… too mediocre to show you.

Alright, alright, it’s 85.7% and even lower for Yahoo Mail. Yet, Inbox Mailers is keeping hope alive for email marketers through: 

  • Triggered emails

  • Recent inbox activity data

Both options help ensure your email list stays clean, click volumes rise dramatically, and virtually guarantee you avoid SPAM traps and Honeypots! Check your email list for recent inbox activity for Free by uploading your list here (only pay if you want to download detailed results). *Current Inbox Mailers Members can access Activity Checker in your dashboard.

Want to demo our triggered emails (3x click volume)? Schedule a demo.

Self Help

I’ve brilliant thoughts sometimes - no, it’s true. Told the GF how dumb we humans are for walking right by trees without a thought of how miraculous they are.

Giant living creations that somehow climb into the sky. Plus, some trees have been around since Romans were running the world.

Me proclaiming, “This is the only planet with trees!” made me feel like a philosopher. Then the GF reminded me this is the only planet with people. Good point and humbling 😁. Still, the principle stands - we walk right by each other without a thought of how miraculous another creation like us is.

Inbox Hackers Shout-out:

📢Mary at Bolt Supply

📣Mike at Good Wheels Bikes

Facts & Stats


35% of retailers say list toxicity is a major issue for them (Email Insider)

New USP…

Cybercrime has tripled since 2020 {iron-clad security should be part of your marketing} (Chartr)


Automated emails generate conversion rates 180% higher compared to batch blasts (VentureBeat)

Bonus:  High _______  spending and higher growth from local CTV and digital platforms will boost U.S. local advertising by 9.3%. Answer here.


Website visitors fading out?

Two problems: 

#1 Anonymous website traffic keeps you from retargeting interested shoppers.

#2 AI-generated summaries are reducing traffic to many websites already.

This makes it critical to stop letting visitors slip away who do take time to visit your website. A new platform called Smart Recognition is a solution that’s giving users a super-charged lead-generation tool while increasing conversions, too! 

*Need US traffic & roughly 15k monthly visitors

Get Hacking

A specific strategy to implement today

Today’s Hack is to let AI take down your competitors. Then you monologue over their demise… ok, maybe hold off on trash talk and simply use AI to compare your website to the competition. This can reveal holes in your content or copy. Compare individual landing pages, too. Pretty handy - see example. 

(ALT Hack: Have an efficient way to TEXT potential customers back. Amazingly, some businesses are still trying to leave voicemails, EVEN when potential customers ask for a text reply to an inquiry. Businesses might as well send ’em a fax.)

Other Inbox Hackers liked:

Learn how to research faster, automate tasks & simplify your life using AI with this 3 hour FREE workshop

*The preceding message contains sponsor offers we think you should check out*

Thanks for reading, see ya next Wednesday,

Shane McLendon, Copy Editor - Inbox Hacking