⭐Get more Google cred for your website

If a friend forwarded you this message - This is Inbox Hacking, a free newsletter with slick Marketing insights, tools, & tactics sent every Wednesday morning. Join marketers from Ad Age, Duke University, & the NBA, and sign up for a Free subscription. 

Get more Google cred for your website

Glad to be with you. Glad to be anywhere, honestly. In today’s feature: Quick ways to be sure Google sees your website as credible (we’re going beyond Google, though). Then you’ll get:

  • The Knowledge Base (includes bot defense & self-persuasion)

  • Self Help (wise up & lay down)

  • Facts & Stats (upcoming AI crackdown?)

  • Today’s Hack to use right away

Brought to you by Smart Recognition

Shoppers you never see

How much money would you make if you could retarget shoppers who browse your website but never buy or opt in to your list?

Smart Recognition empowers this retargeting so you can:

  • Collect email addresses for up to 40% of your anonymous traffic

  • Automatically email them to come back & purchase

  • Build your email list 10x faster

*Need US traffic & roughly 15k monthly visitors

The Knowledge Base

💪Knowledge is power - first, give thanks you’re not him

🏆Top 10 best content marketing (agree w/ the winners?)

🫡Prime example of self-persuasion marketing (video)

📧Deep DMARC insights (wear a helmet)

🔨How to nail job interviews (THE question to ask)

Self Help

Bad news for folks who tire of the same old advice…

Turns out, sleep is still critical to being healthy and not feeling like crap!

And nope, you can just eat healthy and exercise, hoping that overcomes not going to bed at a decent hour (8:47 PM 👍). Because a recent study says lack of sleep increases risk of diabetes - despite healthy eating.

Again, I hate to remind y’all that ancient advice is usually spot on - even in 2024.

Inbox Hackers Shout-out:

📢Jake at Wayard

📣Tim at Rank Media

Facts & Stats


Google predicts their upcoming AI spam crackdown will lead to a 40% reduction in spammy and unoriginal search outcomes (PYMNTS)

Page 1…

A landing page with a video is 53% more likely to be on page 1 of search results (Marketing Insider Group)

Why bother…

New study shows no link between social media engagement and content readership (Search Engine Land)

Bonus: Cart abandonment rate was highest among all 4 age groups in which product category? Answer here.

Brought to you by Inbox Mailers

Tired of hearing this?

“Segment your email list.” It gets old… Yet, segmentation is vital to higher open rates, click rates, and sales. The problem is not having quality data on your subscribers to properly segment them.

Inbox Mailers Activity Checker provides deep data on how your email subscribers are engaging with all their email messages. 

Users of this new tool now know which subscribers to email and when. The result?

Upload your list for Free to see how many of your subscribers have been recently active. (To see which subscribers and dates, it’s only $0.01 per matched record!).

*Current Inbox Mailers Members can access Activity Checker in your dashboard.

Get Hacking

A specific strategy to implement today

Today’s Hack is to regain trust. 

No, your brand probably hasn’t done anything to lose customer trust. It’s just that trust has been ripped to shreds by most of our American institutions. I could post the pitiful stats proving this, but you already know. So take one step today that shows your business is worthy of trust - can be simple as writing a personal email to 20 of your most engaged email subscribers to ask them if there’s anything you can do better. No forms - just ask them to write you back.

Share Inbox Hacking with a friend, coworker, randos on the street - whoever 😁.

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Thanks for reading, see ya next Wednesday morning at 9:43 AM.

Shane McLendon, Copy Editor - Inbox Hacking